
хочу сюди!


53 роки, телець, познайомиться з хлопцем у віці 45-60 років

Anime : Bleach & Naruto
Music : Adelitas Way - Cage The Beast

Канали: Аніме



110.05.12, 18:12

I see it in your eyes
You're feeling paranoid
You know just what I've done
You know what I've become
I feel it deep inside
With all the pain and lies
I know just what I want
I am an animal

I think it's time I let you go
If I could just end it all

You can't cage the beast
There's no breaking me
You can't cage the beast inside of me
I feel the weight
And all the pain
You can't cage the beast inside of me
Inside of me
I feel it in your vibe
You are a parasite
Who knows just what I've done
I think your time has come
You try to turn the tide
I think you've lost your mind
Afraid of what I want
To see what I've become


    210.05.12, 18:12Відповідь на 1 від анонім

    I think it's time I let you go
    If I could just end it all

    You can't cage the beast
    There's no breaking me
    You can't cage the beast inside of me
    I feel the weight
    And all the pain
    You can't cage the beast inside of me
    Inside of me

    You can't cage the beast
    There's no breaking me
    You can't cage the beast inside of me
    I feel the weight
    And all the pain
    You can't cage the beast inside of me
    Inside of me

      310.05.12, 18:14Відповідь на 2 від анонім

      ого как быстро

        410.05.12, 18:58

        ооочень даже понравилось

          510.05.12, 18:59Відповідь на 4 від BigLeo


            610.05.12, 19:00Відповідь на 3 від Кіреr

            смотрю по ленте новенькое

              Гість: Acana

              710.05.12, 20:07


                810.05.12, 20:52Відповідь на 7 від Гість: Acana

                  Гість: Follen

                  911.05.12, 11:23


                    1011.05.12, 14:31
